Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One is for silver

It can be magical to have something special that you just keep away for you, for the quiet moments.  Or the loud moments.  Or whenever you need it.  They can be joyful or they can be melancholy.  Peaceful or emotional.

What better place to store your private magic, than in a Magic Box?

Su Roger's box is based on the crow counting rhyme of her native Nova Scotia.  There are lots of variations, but it usually ends "... seven for a secret, never to be told."

Of course, crows don't necessarily have a lot to say, secret or not.

Sometimes its good to leave the key to your special moments in plain sight.

Not that there is anything plain about Ariane Beauchamp's gorgeous box.

But sometimes the best moments are the ones you aren't expecting.  




"Memory Box" by Tanis Dennis is an opportunity to create some new charished memories, for the quiet times (or the loud times) to come.

Over 45 years, PPO has racked up a lot of memories!  Help us celebrate our history of being the place in Ottawa for confidential, reliable and empowering sexual health support.